Skyhawk Composite Squadron
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SM Education & Training

What's My Status?

  1. Login to eServices.

  2. Navigate to Menuā†’Professional Developmentā†’Professional Levels.

  3. Under Accomplishments, click "Professional Levels."

  4. Select the Level you're working on.
    For each navy Task bar, you'll want a green circle-check on the left-hand side--and Completed/Required Tasks to be fulfilled on the right-hand side (e.g., 1/1).

How Do I Complete My Training?

AXIS is the training portal for the majority of coursework.

  • Log into eServicesā†’Menuā†’Online Learningā†’Learning Management System.

  • At the top of the page, click the Go To AXIS > button.

  • Once in AXIS, look in gray menu bar and navigate to your current LEVEL.
    The courses you need should be listed. If not, search in the COURSE CATALOG tab.

  • Note: when completing a course, always click the "Close" or "Close This Window" link--not the red X. Doing the latter will result in no credit.

Level 1 Training (ā†click here for more information) is to be completed within your first 6 months of membership and before you enter into a Specialty Track. The Education and Training is done through eServices/AXIS and Volunteer University.

  • Cadet Protection Basic Course (Seniors) is one of the very first courses you should complete, followed by a conversation with the unit commander who will have to manually enter a signoff.
    Note: you must complete all of Level 1 before you will receive credit for CP Basic.

Level 2 Training (ā†click here for more information) is made up of two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. 

Level 2 Part 1 is a requirement to earn the grade (rank) of 2d Lt. Both Parts require online (AXIS) courses as well as moderated courses.

  • AXIS courses are completed online only. These cover the majority of the courses.

  • Moderated courses are completed under the guidance of an instructor. 

    • In person courses are highly recommended, especially if several are offered in one day. Keep an eye on MN Wing announcements for opportunities within Minnesota. The opportunity for open discussion and networking is golden.

    • Virtual In-Residence courses are the next best option. These are live online courses. Click on the "Calendar" button and choose the courses you need that fit your schedule.

    • Cohorts are another option. These are basically correspondence courses; all assignments are written. To sign up for a Cohort, login to eServicesā†’Menuā†’Professional Developmentā†’Professional Levels. Under Volunteer University, click "Cohort Request." Select the Level you need and "Submit Request." Cohorts are assigned at the beginning of each month. Note: sometimes you will be contacted via email, but in many cases you will not be. You will have to keep an eye on your AXIS dashboard, where courses will suddenly appear.

  • Yeager Award. This is based on the Aerospace: Journey of Flight which can be found on eServices under "AE Download and Resources".
    The Yeager test can be found on AXIS.

  • You will also need to earn a Technician Rating in a Specialty Track. See link above.

By the time you complete Level 2, you'll know where to look for instructions regarding Levels 3-5.

If you have any questions, please direct them through your Chain of Command.

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