Skyhawk Composite Squadron
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24 & 72 Hour Packs

24- and 72-Hour Packs and UDF Equipment Lists

Click here for a list of the equipment and supplies you will need to participate in Ground Team operations in a real-world or simulated (training) Emergency Services mission. These are also excellent packs to have with you in the car, while camping, etc. Equipment lists for Urban Direction Finding teams are also included.

Which Pack you need depends on the length of your training exercise. 

Items marked with a (T) are the minimum required items for members training for a Ground Team qualification. Most items can be obtained at your local Walmart, hardware store, or online retailer. Ask your fellow squadron members with GTM qualifications what they use and where they found their items.

This list can also be found in the Ground & Urban Direction Finding Team Tasks book, a.k.a. "Ground Team Member's Handbook" or "green book," available in print at for about $11.

You may also download the "green book" above by clicking here, but printing and using it in exercises/missions is quite troublesome, and the result is not nearly as handy as the book sold above. Use the linked document to help learn about Tasks while you are waiting for your hardcopy to arrive. (This link will open a new window outside the domain.)


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